Updating account information

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Learn how to update the name and email address associated with your account and manage your email notifications.

Updating account name

You must sign into your Risk Factor account to update your account name.

    1. Click on Account Settings in the drop-down under your user icon on the upper right side of the screen
    2. Go to My Account Settings
    3. Enter the desired names in the First name and Last name fields
    4. Click Save for Risk Factor to remember these changes


Change account email address

Ensure you are signed into your Risk Factor account and follow the instructions below.

    1. Go to My Account Settings
    2. Enter the email address you want to be associated with your Risk Factor account in the Email address field
    3. Click the Save button - an email will then be sent to the email address currently associated with your account
    4. Open the email from Risk Factor and click the Verify now link to confirm your updated email address
    5. Sign back into Risk Factor using your newly updated email address.


Your email will not be updated unless you click the verification link sent to the original account email. Check your inbox for a verification email from Risk Factor to complete the process and change the email address associated with your account. Please note that the verification link is only active for 24 hours. If you wait longer than this to complete the verification, you must re-enter the updated email address on the My Account Settings page and a new verification email will be sent.

Managing email notifications

If you would like to subscribe or unsubscribe from email notifications, sign into your account and follow the instructions.

    1. Go to My Account Settings
    2. In the Notifications section, click the check box next to Property Updates and/or Risk Factor Updates to opt into or out of email notifications. A check indicates you are subscribed to receive email updates


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